AUGUST 2023 – APRIL 30, 2024
When it’s time to put away your summer adventures for the fall and winter, we’ve got you covered! The Eastern Sierra Tri-County Fairgrounds offers outdoor, covered, and indoor storage for boats, RVs, trailers, vehicles, and all of your warm weather toys.
- All items must be removed on or before April 30th, 2024. ALL ITEMS PICKED UP AFTER APRIL 30th, 2024 WILL BE CHARGED A DAILY FEE OF $10 PER DAY.
- All storage must be accompanied by the Credit Card Authorization form or paid for in full up front. Storage will be billed to your credit card on or before the 10th of each month.
- For all cars, trucks, motor homes and trailers with hitch locks, you must provide a set of keys to be kept in the fairground’s office. The fair must have the ability to move your vehicle/trailer if necessary.
- All vehicles stored at Eastern Sierra Tri-County Fairgrounds must be properly registered and insured. Proof of registration must be shown upon request.
- Indoor storage items are not eligible to be taken out during the storage season. All indoor items must be winterized prior to being stored. By signing below, you acknowledge you understand that once Indoor items are stored, the item will not be taken out of storage during the season.
- There will be a $50 fee if we have to use the forklift to tow items from indoor and covered areas. We park items to maximize the space and it’s difficult to get one out. We strongly encourage you to utilize outdoor storage if you need to come and go with your stored item.
- You must give at least 24 hours business day notice prior to taking the vehicle out of covered or outdoor storage during the season. If you plan to use your stored item during the season, please notify fair staff when you bring it in at the beginning of storage. We will make every effort to park it in an easier accessible location.
- Do not drop off items for storage without alerting fair staff first. If you drop off a storage item without first notifying the office, you will be charge $100 convenience fee. The fair office is open Monday–Friday from 9am – 4pm. If you must drop off or pick up after hours, call 760.873.3588 to make arrangements first.
- No credit will be given for in-and-out storage. For example, if you take your RV out for two weeks for vacation in January and then return, you will pay for all of January as we are holding a space for you. All bills not paid during the month due will be charged a monthly finance charge of $10.
- The Eastern Sierra Tri-County Fairgrounds/ 18th District Agricultural Association assumes no liability for damages that may occur to items stored at the facility. It is highly recommended that you maintain your regular insurance and that you let your insurance company know that the vehicle will be stored at the fairgrounds. All items that are not securely locked inside vehicle should be removed, including RV batteries, propane tanks, fishing gear, chairs, etc.
- The fair has limited room in covered and indoor storage. Customers from the previous year will be given first right of refusal. The fair maintains a waiting list for covered and indoor storage and will fill vacancies from that list.
- All items, even those stored indoors must be winterized before coming into storage. None of the storage areas are heated. The Eastern Sierra Tri-County Fairgrounds/ 18th District Agricultural Association assumes no liability for damages that may occur to items stored at the facility.
- Additional Fees- $50 tow fees as applicable and $25 jump fees as applicable.

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